Reviews and Press
Reviews of Gay Poems for Red States
“Willie Carver, award-winning teacher and truth-teller, has written a memoir of narrative poems that poignantly explore his experience as a gay man in Appalachia. Through food, religion, heartache, and a bone-deep love for the hollers, the hills, and the people. These poems hold your gaze and your ear.”
~Crystal Wilkinson, Kentucky Poet Laureate, author of Perfect Black
~Chris Offutt, author of Country Dark
“Willie Carver is a humane and necessary voice from the hills of Kentucky. He writes with stunning insight, vivid imagery, and enormous courage. This is a powerful book that should be read by everyone.”
“The love embodied in Carver’s voice will set off tambourines in your heart.:
~Robert Gipe, author of Pop
“In Gay Poems for Red States, Willie Carver extends grace in two directions: back to the child he was, and forward to the queer young people living in rural places today.”
~Neema Avashia, author of Another Appalachia: Coming Up Queer and Indian in a Mountain Place
“He somehow manages to be paradoxically vulnerable and whimsical at the same time and I can’t get enough of his writing. Beautiful. Authentic. Compelling. An incredible work of art.”
~CJ Holstine, Minnesota State Teacher of the Year and owner of WordHaven BookHouse
Literary Praise
- “Willie Edward Taylor Carver Jr.’s poetry collection is a celebration of the awkwardness of growing up queer and poor.” Read more at Foreword Reviews.
- “Gay Poems for Red States possesses a defiant, resilient voice which resounds loudly above the cacophony of hate and backlash permeating discriminatory legislative decisions.” Read more at Southern Review of Books.
- “Carver’s poems are an outpouring of love for a place that doesn’t love him back.” Read more from Book Riot.
- “Every piece is dripping with heart, some tragically so, but even so, every single one is a letter of support to queer people who may be struggling.” Read more from the American Library Association.
- “Carver’s voice in this memoir-focused collection is a welcome one among the overwhelming noise of political unrest in our country.” Read more at Bowling Green Daily News.
- “Because despite the pain, both time and memory contain important gifts of hope. Gifts he offers freely to everyone.” Read more at Medium.
- “Carver shows how he has reconciled who he is with where he’s from and who he loves, largely based on the acceptance of those closest to him.” Read more at New Pages.

Television Appearances
- Good Morning America: Poetry Book Inspires.
- ABC NEWS: Teachers in Crossfires
- CSPAN: Willie Carver Testifies for Students
- Lex 18: ‘Stronger Connections’ program
- CBS NEWS: Teachers Support Students
- CSPAN Classroom: Censorship in K-12
- WKYT News: Author Condemns Book Bans
- Lex 18: Author speaks J.D. Vanc KY Ties
- PBS: Teacher of Year Publishes Book
- LEX 18: Teacher Asks for Help with Team
- Metro: Teacher Begins Rainbow Library
- NPR: Carver Says School Is Magic
- Lex 18: Carver Speaks Out Against Book Bans
- Fox 56: Teacher of the Year Creates Library
- WKYT News: Carver Creates Inclusive Library
- WKYT: Author Speaks of Pride Event
- Lex 18: Teacher of Year Helps Build Library
- Spectrum: Teacher Creates LGBTQ+ Library
- Fox 56: Students’ Rights Infringed
- LEX 18: Teacher of Year Testifies to Congress
- LEX 18: Teacher of Year Talks Homophobia
- LEX 18: Messages of Love for Harassed Teacher
- Tales from Kentucky Room: Interview
- Win City Voices: Willie Carver’s New Book
- Get Uncomfortable: Carver – A Light Shining
- Books & Bourbon: Celebrate Pride with Carver
- Between the Stacks: Pride Poems with Carver
- Think Humanities: Willie E. Carver Jr., Poet
- Mom’s Rising: LGBTQ+ Rights and Leaders
- Appodlachia: Gay Poems for Red States
- National Writing Project: Words as Protection
- Held Horses: Evening with Willie Carver
- Habitually Disruptive: Willie Caver as Himself
- Courageous Conversations: Willie Carver
- Think Humanities: Willie Carver, Teacher of Year
- Partial Credit: Willie Carver, Passing the Torch
- Progress Kentucky: Education Emergency
- Voices from the Class: Open Ended, Open Mind
Newspaper Interviews
- UKNOW: Press Author Nationally Recognized
- Le Monde: Une guerre contre les écoles
- Boston Globe: When Politics Prevent Teaching
- Ed Week: Gay Teacher Speaks Out
- Fulcrum: Project 2025 Will Hurt Families
- UKNOW: Carver Inspires with Poetry Book
- Truthout: Willie Carver on Vance Book Ban
- Ledger Independent: Alum Carver to Visit MSU
- Pride Source: Carver Won’t Stop Advocating
- Trail Blazer: Carver Shares Book & Story
- Old Gold & Black: Festival’s Voice to Unheard
- UKNOW: Carver Invited to White House
- Washington Post: Culture War and Teachers
- Winchester Sun: Spice & Spite of Small Towns
- Ed Week: Hotline for Teachers Embroiled
- Win City Voices: Meet Willie Carver
- College Heights Herald: Advocacy for Us All
- Lexington Herald-Leader: We Won’t Back Down
- Instinct: Meet the KY Couple Fighting for You
- Bowling Green Daily: Crying in Darkness
- Hechinger Report: Teachers Leaving Classroom
- CBS: Teacher Speak Out for Students
- NEA News: Carver Testifies For Students
- Kentucky Teacher: Carver Testifies in Congress
- NPR: On Discussion Bans in Classrooms
- CBS NEWS: Accolades in Frustrating Profession
- Appalachia Community: This is Appalachia
- Kentucky Teacher: Humanity in Classroom
- Louisville Courier-Journal: Discrimination
- Daily Yonder: Pain & Hurt in K-12 Classrooms
- Lexington Herald Leader: Resigning and Hatred
- KSBA News: Conversation with Willie Carver
- The Advocate: Carver Speaks Vulnerable LGBTQ
- NEA Today: Protecting LGBTQ+ Teachers
- Spectrum: Carver Quits Due to Homophobia
- NBC News: Carver Resigns, Citing Homophobia
Radio Interviews
- Mountain Talk Radio: Hillbillies and Books
- NPR: Interview, Gay Poems for Red States
- Progressive Radio: Willie Carver on K-12
- WMDJ: E. KY Willie Carver Talks Education
- Transactionality: Willie Carver
- West Virginia PR: Carver Wants to Poke Bear
- NPR: Teacher of Year Warns Against Normal